Friday, January 28, 2011

The Sickies

OK, We've been way too sick and after a call to the Ped's office this morning, I've learned that there are so many things going around and we've caught a couple different things. Poor Lyn. After having the ....uhm...not to be too gross...dry heaves on Monday and fever and sleeping for two days, she started feeling better. Then she was up in the middle of the night last night with a 102.8 deg F fever. Eric, I fear is not too far behing...Oh, did I mention I feel like crap, too??? But, mom still has to care for the kids with the sickies even though she feels like crawling into bed and sleeping for the next week. I think that was one giant run-on sentence, but I am so tired it is just stream of consciousness now I think...see what I mean?

So, what is there left to do? Being stuck in this house with no shopping outlet...oh, yes, my husband is regretting introducing me to the on-line shopping world. Yes, I have been buying more and more fabric. The reason I can write this is because my husband can't be bothered reading my blog. I guess he just figures he lives my life with me so why does he have to read about it! Good thing I pay the bills ! :0) Hee, hee! Um, I think my sister-in-law may read my blog every once in a while...ooops. Hope she doesn't tell! Remember the Sisterhood, Julie!! Remember! I do know my mom reads my blog regularly...thanks, Mom. At least I know some one is reading about my crazy life...I know you're laughing about it, not sympathizing, though!

Anyway, tho't I'd put a plug in for some of the fabric shoppes I've been buying from lately.

You all know, right? Ruth is awesome and she sells my patterns on her site! Double plus!

Well I have been purchase some of Amy Butler's Soul Blossoms from her...still waiting for her lovely mailbox delivery (what a great friend and fabric supplier to my fabric habit!) Visit her site she's got great prices and a great selection!

I have also purchase some fab fabric from OK, so a Whole bunch. Mostly Amy Butler stuff which everyone has seem a 1000 times, but I also got and am most excited about these white butterflies:

Any one who knows me, knows how I feel about Butterfly Fabric, right K8???? Natasha at Skye Reve Fabrics is also considering carrying my patterns. How exciting is that! First Ruth, then Alicia at Pattern Palooza, and Natasha!

And lastly, I am waiting to hear back from to to confirm my order for some cute cute FQs:

I LOVE those bicycles...what am I doing to do with all this fabric, though? Sew, Sew, Sew...if only I could get the time...once the kids are done being sick, I am going to take a vacation in my sewing room....hmmmm....I'm going to have to buy a lock for that door, I think! :0)

I tho't those new bicycles would compliment the amy butler fabric I bought from

Well, I think that's enough writing for now. Hopefully I will post a tute later in February. We'll see how long these kiddos are sick!

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